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Have you ever wanted something so bad that it created physical discomfort?

I envision kids throwing a tantrum because they can’t have something they really want. Far be it for me to argue that they are not experiencing physical pain.

Fast forward a couple of decades and think about something you really want but seems just slightly out of reach.  Now, insert the development of our frontal lobe.

Yup. That child is still there. Only now his/her fists are banging against the gut lining. Or at least that’s what I imagine.

Can you relate?

Have you ever wanted something so bad, it created visceral discomfort?

Not only have I experienced it, I see it on a pretty regular basis.

Someone telling me they really want to be “normal” again. They want to be able to be the grandpa that drives the grandkids to school every morning. The husband that takes care of the house. The adult child who is supposed to be the caretaker for his parents…..and not the other way around. These are the stories I hear.

But the next statement is where the story becomes the most difficult to hear……..  “I know what I should be doing. I just can’t seem to get myself to do it.”

The battle is real.

The pain on the face is real.

This is the battle. The tantrum between the inner child and the wise parent. Wanting something really bad and yet another little voice telling you, you can’t have it.

And herein lies the good news. You ARE the wise parent. You CAN have whatever you want.

But here is the catch.

It requires work.

Not just physical work, but mental work.

It requires getting rid of the voice that might be telling you “I don’t deserve it”


“I can’t”

“I am not disciplined”

“I am not good enough”

Etc, etc…..

It also requires physical work. Getting up every day and doing something that moves you closer to the thing you want.

Regardless of the road you choose, there will be pain. The pain of moving or the pain of standing still.

If you are standing still there is no device, pill, therapy, red light, electrical stimulation, food, or supplement that is going to get you to the thing you desperately want.

On the other hand, even the smallest movement. The tiniest bit of discomfort will STOP that visceral discomfort. Why? Because now you are in control. You are driving the ship of your life.

“You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.” – Maya Angelou

What do you really want to be able to do 6 months from now?

What are you going to do today that is uncomfortable that moves you closer to that goal?

What will you do this week that your future you will be proud of?