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I spend my days helping people just like yourself solve “problems”. Its the part of my “job” I love the most.

You see, when I was a kid I would intentionally take things apart just so I could figure out how to put it back together.

And though, I believe it was a foreshadowing of the direction I would go in life, I am not convinced it was meant to be applied to every area of life.

There are times, circumstances, and seasons when the best “problem to solve” is practicing how NOT to solve the problem.

Yes, pausing, reflecting, and maybe even accepting.

I have tried to do this periodically throughout my life and I always come back with the same general theme….. We – you, me, and all of creation – have been uniquely designed to live the life we were created for. Full stop.

In other words, you are NOT (always) a project to be “fixed” or a problem to be “solved”.

And this is my new-ish outlook on January first.

January first is symbolic. It can signify a new beginning, a fresh start, and somewhat of a “house cleaning”.

But here is where I think most people go astray and might be the biggest reason most humans don’t keep their “new year resolutions”…….

You can’t bring in the new “furniture”, if you do not sell off some of the old.

You can’t create new habits, with your old way of thinking.

You can’t eat healthier foods, with old thoughts that lead you to prefer to eat the foods you know weren’t serving you.

You can’t start exercising, with old thoughts that lead you to hit the snooze button (insert your deterrent of choice)

You can’t grow (in rehab, career, relationships..etc) with all the thoughts that caused you to stop growing in these areas in the first place.

All that said, January 1st might be better utilized as a day on the calendar when you allow the “hype” to pass you by and look inward. And instead, focus on pausing over and above pursuing.

Why aren’t your relationships working?

Why do you do the things you know aren’t healthy and avoid doing the things you know will make you feel better?

Why do you avoid the often times “boring” and repetitive exercises for something more “exciting”?

Why do you self-sabotage when new opportunities come your way?

What is causing you to allow the hum of envy, bitterness, and/or resentment play in the background of your thoughts?

Whether you are 20 or 70, that “hum” is not serving you.


You can do something about it.

You can’t go back and change the past, but you can create a new ending.

Accept the past. It is part of your story.

But you were designed for more.

You were designed to be a light in someone else’s world.

You are a perfectly created human by a loving God who has known you and loved you from the beginning.

He knew every decision you would make and He has had a perfect plan from day 1.

But the hard truth is, we were born into a fallen world. And because of that, we will continue to make mistakes and have regrets until our last breath.

But even that, God foreknew and has been preparing your way forward.

Going back and attempting to “change the past” is not possible. So, instead, accept where you are at.

Then and only then are you free to create the ending God created you for. Your story isn’t finished!

But first, spend this month letting the hype pass you by.


And maybe February first is the day when you get after that habit or “hang up” with a fresh mind and a renewed way of thinking.

You ARE a new creation, created in the image of God to do good works. 2 Cor 5

You got this! And I am cheering you on every step of the way!


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