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Balancing Faith, Hope, And LOVE

Balancing Faith, Hope, And LOVE

If you have a physical limitation, you will likely want to find a physical therapist to help you restore your movement. As a physical therapist, if I had to give our profession a marketing slogan, it would be something along the lines of WeFix the body. I started my...
Don’t judge a book.

Don’t judge a book.

“Judging others is bad”. Don’t judge a book by it’s cover. From our earliest age we are taught not to “judge” people. My definition of “judging” is when an opinion about someone is attached to a “value”. “Good people” and “Bad people”. “Good behavior” and “bad...
Strategy over “strength”

Strategy over “strength”

I am a “fixer”. I see problems or potential problems and I immediately jump in headfirst to “fix” said problem. I can also sometimes be an “avoider”. Look ahead to avoid potential problems. Finally, and most importantly, I am NOT a “tread-er.” Rarely do I find it...