I have attempted water skiing a few times in my life. Until I realized, among other things, I don’t enjoy my face slamming into the arguably unforgiving surface of the water.
Yup, I have tried and tried and….. failed and failed.
It has been over 20 years since my last attempt and I think I am due for a rematch. I feel this go around, the odds lean in my favor.
You see, my “failure” had nothing to do with physical ability, or a lack there of, but of a mindset “dis”-ability.
Enter today’s thoughts on the practice of letting go.
Before I share my thoughts, I think it is important to tell you I can be somewhat of a control freak. Yup, I like it when things work out exactly the way I planned and I get a little irritated when things aren’t “going my way”.
Case and point, this Christmas season.
Lines at every single store are three times longer. And, in Florida, every commute feels like you are on a continuous attempt to push bread dough through a straw.
Ok, that might be a bit dramatic, and for the most part, it truly is my favorite time of year. But there are those moments…..
Those moments when you plan to run into Walmart really quick for toothpaste and leave feeling like you just finished a tough mudder.
Sit in traffic as you stare out at a sea of cars obviously waiting until the google maps lady says “turn here” before getting in the appropriate lane.
If I had to narrow my “control issues” down to one “category”, it would probably be time. I like being in control of my time. That said, there are moments when I realize, I am hanging on to it for dear life. And spoiler alert, the outcome never ends well. If you know, you know. Peace, contentment, and enjoying the season are immediately replaced with……. well, something far less optimal.
Letting go is not just a good idea, I dare say it is a mandate that, if received, can get you through even the most difficult circumstances.
The reality is, for better or worse, we are not in control. And this life is nothing more than a staging ground for our permanent home with our creator.
You and I were created to live a fruitful life. We were created to do good works. Which God prepared in advance for you and me to do.
There is no greater example of this than the apostle Paul in the bible. He was imprisoned several times for spreading the gospel. If you are familiar his writings you might notice a theme of peace and contentment (while sitting in prison). But Paul, was also human. In one of his letters to the Philippian church, he shares his battle that we ALL face.
Paul struggles with his struggles. Yup, we did not always “love” being in prison. This is clear when he writes….. “I would rather depart from this body”.
Paul understood hardship.
But he also understood joy, hope, and contentment. And that comes at the how he finishes the above sentence…..
“but it is more necessary for you that I remain”. He had a purpose. And that purpose allowed him to endure the pain.
Now, I am not a theologian. And I am on a continual journey of growing in my relationship with my creator. But this story is one that I revisit often. It is a reminder that we don’t always need to pretend to be “happy” about our situation. And that maybe acknowledging that we are unhappy is necessary. But more than that, turning our attention to something greater than ourselves.
If you have ever been successful at water skiing, you have probably already figured out what has taken me 20 years to discover.
I can clearly recall what I was doing wrong. Mainly because a well-meaning friend was screaming at me. 😊….. “relax and let go”. “Stop pulling on the rope”. “Let the rope pull you up!”. Over and over and over again. To no avail. Face plant. Every time.
You see, controlling the uncontrollable will never end well. I was never, ever going to be in control of the boat, and had I realized it, I might have let it do its job.
But more than that, had I “let go”, I might have had the opportunity to enjoy the only earthly experience of “walking on water”.
Whether you believe in a higher power or not, there are many things in this world that are not in our control. And the sooner we realize it. The more we can experience the joy of the ride.
What situations do you frequently get frustrated?
Where are you trying to “control the boat” and pull yourself to what you believe is going to bring you joy?
Where can you practice letting go?
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Wonderfully expressed. Good luck with the water skiing.
Thanks 😊. Currently no plans for this, but I will keep you posted if and when I decide and the outcome 😊