In a world overwhelmed by the ceaseless noise of consumerism and material excess, there is a growing trend of people transitioning toward the perceived gateway to profound well-being. Minimalism, is fast becoming an appealing lifestyle that adopters believe has some health benefits. So, the question remains, is embracing simplicity the key that unlocks the door to a life of “happiness”? Maybe.
Released in 2021 The Minimalist: Less is Now is the story of Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus who are influencers and “promoters” of the minimalist lifestyle. The documentary will take you on a journey of how we have become a society saturated in material possessions. And it is no longer based on the theory of “keeping up with the Jones’ ”. It is a combination of sweat shops over seas (making “stuff” cheap to acquire), bigger homes (with more rooms to fill), and ecommerce offering ease of access. Oh, and…. Dopamine. Yup, that reward bucket we all must fill and keep full.
Joshua and Ryan will take you on a ride around the country where they share how minimalism changed their lives. But they aren’t the only ones. You will hear stories from others who have adopted a minimalist life and how they believe they are happier, more fulfilled, and are healthier.
As someone who is always on the hunt for that next “1% edge” in life, this documentary makes a very compelling argument that the answer might be found in acquiring less, not more. But beyond that, taking a personal inventory and purging all the “stuff” I never use.
Watch the Minimalist: Less is Now
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