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No Contracts In Life

No Contracts In Life

From the time I was an infant, without fail, when I behaved in a particular manner, something happened. If I cried, I got fed. As I got older, if I received a good grade, I was rewarded. In college, studying (a lot) resulted in a degree. When I started my first “real...
Peace over persistance

Peace over persistance

If you keep showing up, you’ll almost certainly break through – but probably not in the way you expected or intended. You need enough persistence to keep working and enough flexibility to enjoy success when it comes in a different form than you imagined. -James Clear,...
Blocking out the noise

Blocking out the noise

“It is easy in the world to live after the world’s opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson The experts say we...
Pause over Pursuit

Pause over Pursuit

I spend my days helping people just like yourself solve “problems”. Its the part of my “job” I love the most. You see, when I was a kid I would intentionally take things apart just so I could figure out how to put it back together. And though, I believe it was a...
New Year’s Habits That Last

New Year’s Habits That Last

January 1. A new year. A “fresh start”. I know it is just a turn of the page on the calendar, but it signifies so much. It truly is a new beginning. An opportunity to tackle new challenges and create a vision for what is possible. Statistics will show that the most...
The Art of Letting Go

The Art of Letting Go

I have attempted water skiing a few times in my life. Until I realized, among other things, I don’t enjoy my face slamming into the arguably unforgiving surface of the water. Yup, I have tried and tried and….. failed and failed. It has been over 20 years since my last...