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Don’t judge a book.

Don’t judge a book.

“Judging others is bad”. Don’t judge a book by it’s cover. From our earliest age we are taught not to “judge” people. My definition of “judging” is when an opinion about someone is attached to a “value”. “Good people” and “Bad people”. “Good behavior” and “bad...
Strategy over “strength”

Strategy over “strength”

I am a “fixer”. I see problems or potential problems and I immediately jump in headfirst to “fix” said problem. I can also sometimes be an “avoider”. Look ahead to avoid potential problems. Finally, and most importantly, I am NOT a “tread-er.” Rarely do I find it...
Don’t believe your lying eyes

Don’t believe your lying eyes

If you want to change an area of your life, start with the smallest habit you can consistently do to move you in that direction. Seeing is believing. Personally, this strategy has been effective with fitness, academic, and business goals. If you want to run a...
The tail of two nails

The tail of two nails

Whether you believe it to be true or false, you are right. A british journal published a case of a construction worker who jumped off a plank landing on a nail that punctured straight through his shoe emerging on the other side. In terrible pain, the man was sedated...
When “fantacy” overshadows reality

When “fantacy” overshadows reality

When was the last time you remember having to think about how to retrieve a glass of water from a table? If you are a healthy adult, probably never. You see, there are skills that require “motor planning”. However, most activities of daily living are automatic.  That...
Why you strive for more

Why you strive for more

Health is the greatest gift; Contentment is the greatest wealth – Siddhartha Gautama Feeling a little bit of discontentment is an extremely effective motivation to move toward a specific goal. Folks with financial “wealth” will often credit their drive to...