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This too shall pass

This too shall pass

If you are on a mountaintop in the journey of living, soak in all the joy that comes with comfort, security, the gratification of success…. whatever “happy feeling” you might be experiencing. But don’t get too comfortable. It will soon pass and you will eventually...
3 legs of consistency

3 legs of consistency

“Showing up” everyday is hard. There is so much resistance. The sheets lure you into just a few more minutes in the warm, cozy hug of the duvet. The mind-numbing scrolling is an alluring distraction from the blank word document. The slight back ache justifies skipping...
Soothing Stress With Sound Therapy

Soothing Stress With Sound Therapy

Seventy-six percent of U.S. adults reported that they experienced at least one symptom of stress in the last month such as headaches, fatigue, nervousness, anxiety, depression, and sadness. It’s easy to see why. Americans are among the most stressed out people in the...
Understanding The Link Between L-Theanine and Stress

Understanding The Link Between L-Theanine and Stress

Introduction Today, stress is one of the leading causes of physical challenges. Yes, what used to be a feeling of tension or a state of mind when faced with a difficult situation can impact you physically and even how you react and handle things emotionally and...